Now we all know that the key to success is inspiration, motivation & determination!
Everyone wants a good body, but not many people are willing to make the sacrifices it takes to make a REAL change!! Do you find yourself wanting and wishing your life away but when it comes down to the crunch, it’s too hard? It’s IMPOSSIBLE??
“I’m starting the gym next week/month/YEAR..”
“I’m not drinking for a month, except this weekend..and next..”
Happy to sit on the sidelines and watch everyone else achieve their goals while they are just happy talking about what they COULD do.
If you want to SNAP out of that mindset and finally take control of your life, here are a few things you will need in order to become a “DO’ER”…
· Inspiration-
You can find inspiration easily.. Whether it be you stalking your favourite fitness models Facebook page or watching one of your girlfriends take on a new journey into health and fitness!!
One problem with inspiration, is it can only last momentarily.. As most people are happy watching from the sidelines, and find it too hard/unrealistic for them to get the same result.
· Motivation-
So inspiration is when you something that gets you started, but motivation is what keeps you going.
If you can’t motivate yourself, then you already have a problem! Without motivation you have a very low success rate! You need to motivate yourself by setting goals, and pushing your boundaries! As a Personal Trainer, not only do I train you to get a stronger body, I train you to get a stronger MIND! I am hired to be your motivator, and eventually with the skills and knowledge you pick up from your time with me, you end up being able to motivate yourself, day in and day out!!
“Satisfaction is - 1% Inspiration, 99% Motivation.”- Albert Einstein
· Determination –
The quality of being determined to do or achieve something!!
Once you have found your inspiration and got the motivation to do something about it, you will need 100% determination for you to achieve your goal! Without determination & the drive to accomplish any goal you set out to achieve you will struggle… HARD!!
You hate how you look in the nude? Use that as your inspiration , motivation AND determination!! CHANGE IT, love yourself! It’s so freaking easy it’s not even funny! You just need to make that first step!
“The first step is always the hardest!”
Become a “DO’ER” and inspire the people around you to do the same!
Love Davina xxx
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